A Place for Nostalgia, Preservation, Research, Discussion, and Laughter

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


In April we had a small group of just five yet managed to enthusiastically discuss the history of Christianity into the AM hours. Thanks mainly to Brian and Nate who have their own special history with religion, and an astounding wealth of knowledge concerning this subject. I will do my best to outline some highlights of what we talked about.

Nate filled us in on the story of Jacob, Joseph, and Moses
Jacob and Esau, the sons of Isaac. As the story goes Jacob, feeling very hungry asks his twin brother for some of his stew and Esau agrees with the caveat that Jacob give him his birthright. Jacob flees and works 7 years for Laban in order to gain his daughter Rachel. Laban changes his mind and gives Jacob Leah instead. Jacob then works another 7 years to acquire Rachel. During this long period of w
ork Jacob discovers selective breeding. With this great knowledge he returns to Canaan with his two wives. Esau welcomes his brother back. The 12 sons of Jacob become the 12 tribes of Israel.

Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob and due to jealously his brother sold him into slavery. In Egypt he wins the favor of the Pharaoh. Joseph creates grain silos to p
rotect against famine. He welcomes his brothers to Egypt forgiving them and sharing his wealth. Eventually they become oppressed which is where Moses comes in. Baby Moses was put in a basket and sent down the river where he then was discovered by royalty and raised in the palace. Moses discovers "the people" and takes them back to Canaan.

Bryon discussed
saints and their attributes
1766 Butler publish The Lives of the Saints.
in 1486 there were 2865 saints.
Beatified Saints, blessed, the third of four steps of cannonization.
Saint Polycarp was the first venerated saint. The process of becoming a saint involves the bishop looking into your life, 2 miracles are necessary for you to be sainted.

Visser discussed the three classes of relics and helped us all to understand faith. I presented on general history in Catholicism and the structure of the church. Amy added important insight
into every discussion, as we are not all rehearsed in Bible histories and should always stay objective. It was a lovely evening.

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